
Friday, September 30, 2016

30 Days of Nightmares: The 2016 Edition

Two posts in two years?!  I think it's safe to say that this blog is mostly dead.  But, to quote Miracle Max in THE PRINCESS BRIDE, there's a difference between "mostly dead" and "all dead."  For the month of October, this blog is also going to be "slightly alive" as I resurrect--Frankenstein style--an old experiment.

In 2009, I made a little horror documentary called NIGHTMARES IN RED, WHITE AND BLUE, which surveyed roughly 100 years of American horror films, from 1910 to 2008.  Soon after, I decided to take a more detailed look at horror films of the 21st century by watching and reviewing one horror movie a day for the month of October.   I gave myself a few simple rules: No sequels, no remakes, no re-watches.

I had so much fun, I did it again in 2013 and 2014.  (If you want to read all the old reviews, you can go to the Films and Filmmakers page and scroll down to the 30 Days of Nightmares section.)  After that, life got a little hectic... My wife and I had a child, and horror movies were put on the back burner for a while.  (Also, I was busy researching a book on western films, which was published earlier this year)  Now I'm about two and a half years backlogged on my favorite genre.  I've seen some of the most obvious titles, like OCULUS, THE BABADOOK and IT FOLLOWS, as well as some great marginally-horror titles (ENEMY, NIGHTCRAWLER, UNDER THE SKIN, EX MACHINA, WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS), but I've missed a lot.  So I'm going to focus this year's marathon on horror movies released since 2014. 

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